Page Last Updated: October 15 2015
4 species
Slippery Jack? Bolete - cap approx. 7 cm
Order: Agaricales (Boletales?)
Family: Suillaceae (Boletaceae?)
Genus: Suillus?
Species: Luteus? Granulatus? Salmonicolor?
Kingdom: Fungi
Class: Agaricomycetes
Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
Boletes resemble gilled mushrooms in that they have a cap
and stalk but underneath they have tubes instead of gills
more like a
polypore - fruits under conifers - a number of
Suillus species are known by the common name Slippery
More Slippery Jack Bolete
More Slippery Jack Bolete
Updated February 14 2014
Ornate-stalked? Bolete - cap approx. 8 cm
Order: Boletales
Family: Boletaceae
Genus: Retiboletus? (formerly Boletus)
Species: Ornatipes?
Kingdom: Fungi
Class: Agaricomycetes
Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
Boletes resemble gilled mushrooms in that they have a cap
and stalk but underneath they have tubes instead of gills
more like a
More Ornate-stalked Bolete
More Ornate-stalked Bolete
Updated October 15 2015
Sticky? Bolete - cap approx. 5 cm
Order: Agaricales (Boletales?)
Family: Suillaceae (Boletaceae?)
Genus: Suillus
Species: Viscidus?
Kingdom: Fungi
Class: Agaricomycetes
Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
Boletes resemble gilled mushrooms in that they have a cap
and stalk but underneath they have tubes instead of gills
more like a
polypore - S. viscidus fruits under larches - also
known as S. laricinus and Boletus aeruginascens
More Sticky Bolete
More Sticky Bolete
Updated October 27 2013
Slippery Jack? Bolete - cap approx. 7 cm - Rouge Park - September 2012
Orange Bolete - cap approx. 8 cm
Order: Boletales
Family: Boletaceae
Genus: Leccinum
Species: Aurantiacum? Versipelle?
Kingdom: Fungi
Class: Agaricomycetes
Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
Boletes resemble gilled mushrooms in that they have a cap
and stalk but underneath they have tubes instead of gills
more like a
polypore - many Leccinum species are similar
More Orange Bolete
More Orange Bolete
Updated September 18 2013
Orange Bolete - cap approx. 8 cm - height approx. 15 cm - Kortright Centre for Conservation - September 2013
Ornate-stalked? Bolete - cap to 15 cm - stalk to 15 cm - Rouge Park - October 2015
Sticky? Bolete under European Larch - cap 3 to 12 cm - stalk to 6cm - Mount Pleasant Cemetery - October 2013