April 2011 Highlights
Herons & Egrets
Diving Ducks
Diving Ducks
Dabbling Ducks
Thrushes & Robins
Poppy Family
Black-crowned Night Heron (sexes similar) - approx. 64 cm - Humber Bay Park - April 2011
Pied-billed Grebe (sexes similar) - approx. 35 cm - Humber Bay Park - April 2011
Long-tailed Duck (Oldsquaw) - Winter plumage (male) - approx. 52 cm - Humber Bay Park - April 2011
Red-breasted Merganser Ducks (male & female) - approx. 62 cm - Humber Bay Park - April 2011
Horned Grebe (sexes similar - breeding plumage) - approx. 34 cm - Samuel Smith Park - April 2011
Wood Duck (male) - approx. 46 cm - High Park - April 2011
House Finch (male) - approx. 15 cm - High Park - April 2011
Hermit Thrush (sexes similar) - approx. 18 cm - Toronto Islands - April 2011
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (sexes similar) in Manitoba Maple - approx. 14 cm - Lower Don Valley (Leaside) - April 2011
Bloodroot - flower 2 to 5 cm - leaves 10 to 18 cm - height to 15 cm - Lower Don Valley (Leaside) - April 2011