May 2011 Highlights
Blackbirds & Orioles
Buttercup / Crowfoot Family
Bunchflower Family
Bunchflower Family
Mushrooms - Sac Fungi
Cardinals, Grosbeaks & Buntings
Mockingbirds & Thrashers
Leaf Beetles
Thrushes & Robins
Sharp-lobed Hepatica - flower to 2.5 cm - leaves (basal) to 12 cm - height to 15 cm - West Don Valley (Wilket Creek Park) - May 2011
White Trillium - flower 5 to 10 cm - leaves 8 to 12 cm - height to 40 cm - West Don Valley (Wilket Creek Park) - May 2011
Purple Trillium - flower to 10 cm - leaves to 17 cm - height to 40 cm - West Don Valley (Wilket Creek Park) - May 2011
Chipping Sparrow (sexes similar) - approx. 14 cm - High Park - May 2011
Yellow Morel - height to 15 cm - Lower Don Valley (Crother's Woods) - May 2011
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (male) - approx. 18 cm - West Don Valley (Sunnybrook Park) - May 2011
Cedar Waxwing (sexes similar) - approx. 18 cm - Leslie Spit - May 2011
American Robin (female) - approx. 25 cm - Leslie Spit - May 2011