Page Last Updated: January 24 2021
Grass Family
19 species
Order: Cyperales
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Genus: Hordeum
Species: Jubatum
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Perennial - also known as Squirrel-tail Barley, Wild Barley -
native to North America
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Elymus
Species: Canadensis?
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Perennial - possibly E. canadensis variety villosus (Downy,
Silky or Hairy Wildrye) - possibly Riverbank Wildrye (E.
riparius) - native to North America
Class: Liliopsida
Updated February 27 2013
More Canada Wildrye
Updated January 17 2010
More Foxtail Barley
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Miscanthus
Species: Sinensis (Chinese Silvergrass)
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Phleum
Species: Pratense
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Perennial - native to Europe
Class: Liliopsida
Updated July 16 2010
More Timothy
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Echinochloa
Species: Crus-galli
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Annual - also known as Cockspur, Summer or Water Grass
- native to Eurasia
Class: Liliopsida
Updated October 28 2010
More Barnyard Grass
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Eastern Bottlebrush Grass
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Elymus
Species: Hystrix
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Perennial - binomial name also Hystrix patula - native to
eastern North America
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Ammophila
Species: Breviligulata
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Perennial - also known as Marram Grass - native to North
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Setaria (Bristlegrass)
Species: Viridis
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Annual - also known as Green Bristlegrass, Pigeon Grass -
the similar Yellow Foxtail (S. glauca) has long hairs at the
base of the leaves - native to Eurasia
Class: Liliopsida
Updated December 30 2012
More Green Foxtail Grass
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Updated January 27 2012
More Eastern Bottlebrush Grass
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Digitaria
Species: Sanguinalis
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Annual - also known as Large or Purple Crab Grass -
similar to Smooth Crab Grass (D. ischaemum) and
Southern Crab Grass (D. ciliaris) - Smooth Crab Grass
lacks hairs on leaves and sheaths - Southern Crab Grass
is not found in Ontario - waste places, lawns gardens -
native to Europe
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Updated July 27 2012
More Hairy Crab Grass
Updated September 20 2012
More Silvergrass
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Lolium
Species: Multiflorum? (Annual or Italian Ryegrass)
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Annual / Perennial - a number of Lolium and Elymus
species are similar - the edge of Ryegrass spikelets face
the wavy stem - the broad side of Quack Grass (Elymus
repens) spikelets face the stem - the similar Perennial or
English Ryegrass (L. perenne) lacks awns - some sources
place L. perenne together with L. multiflorum (sub-species
of L. perenne?) in the genus Festuca with the binomial
name F. perennis - native to Europe
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Updated December 28 2012
More Ryegrass
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Phragmites
Species: Australis (also Communis)
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Perennial - also known as Reedgrass, Marsh or Giant
Reed, Phragmites - one of the most widely distributed
plants in the world - some sources say that there are a
number of sub-species native to Europe, Asia and North
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Updated March 5 2016
More Common Reed
Canada? Wildrye - spike to 20 cm - leaves to 30 cm - height to 1.5 m - Lower Don Valley (Leaside) - July 2011
Timothy - flower approx. 2 mm - spike to 20 cm - leaves 10 to 25 cm - height to 90 cm - Leslie Spit - July 2010
Eastern Bottlebrush Grass - spike to 20 cm - leaves to 30 cm - height to 1.5 m - High Park - July 2011
Green Foxtail Grass - flower tiny - spike to 15 cm - leaves to 40 cm - height to 1 m plus - East Don Valley (Milne Hollow) - August 2011
Ryegrass - spike to 30 cm - leaves to 20 cm - height to 1 m - Lower Don Valley (Crother's Woods) - June 2011
Common Reed (Phragmites) - panicle to 40 cm - leaves to 50 cm - height to 6 m - High Park - September 2011
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Panicum
Species: Virgatum
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Perennial - also known as Tall Panic Grass, Prairie Grass -
prairies, fields and open areas - native to eastern North
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Updated October 17 2015
More Switch Grass
Switch Grass - panicle to 50 cm - leaves to 90 cm - height to 2 m - Leslie Spit - September 2015
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Andropogon
Species: Gerardii (also Gerardi)
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Perennial - also known as Tall Bluestem, Bluejoint,
Turkeyfoot - prairies - native to eastern North America
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Updated October 20 2015
More Big Bluestem
Big Bluestem - raceme to 10 cm - leaves to 60 cm - height to 2.5 m - High Park - August 2013
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Schizachyrium
Species: Scoparium
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Perennial - also known as Beardgrass - binomial name
also Andropogon scoparius - prairies - native to North
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Updated October 20 2015
More Little Bluestem
Little Bluestem - raceme to 7 cm - leaves to 25 cm - height to 1 m - High Park - September 2015
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Sorghastrum
Species: Nutans
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Perennial - prairies - native to eastern North America
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Updated October 23 2015
More Indian Grass
Indian Grass - panicle to 30 cm - leaves to 1 m - height to 2 m - Lower Don Valley (Crother's Woods) - September 2015
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Phalaris
Species: Arundinacea
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Perennial - variety of habitats with moist to wet soil
(wetlands, wet prairies, stream banks, ditches, disturbed
areas) - native to North America? - Invasive subspecies (P.
arundinacea arundinacea) from Eurasia
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Updated March 5 2016
More Reed Canary Grass
Reed Canary Grass - panicle to 25 cm - leaves to 25 cm - height to 2 m - Lower Don Valley (Todmorden Mills) - June 2013
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Dactylis
Species: Glomerata
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Perennial - also known as Cock's Foot - savannas,
pastures, wood edges, waste areas - native to Europe
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Updated March 6 2016
More Orchard Grass
Orchard Grass - panicle to 20 cm - leaves to 30 cm - height to 1.5 m - High Park - June 2012
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Bromus
Species: Inermis?
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Updated March 13 2016
More Brome Grass
Perennial - awns usually lacking or very short - Downy
Brome ( B. tectorum), also known as Cheatgrass, has short
hairs on all plant parts - disturbed areas - native to Eurasia
Order: Cyperales
Genus: Setaria (Bristlegrass)
Species: Pumila? (also glauca, lutescens)
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Annual - also known as Bristlegrass - native to Eurasia
Class: Liliopsida
Family: Poaceae (Grass family) - also Gramineae
Yellow? Foxtail Grass - flower tiny - spike to 12 cm - leaves to 20 cm - height to 1 m - Leslie Spit - August 2009