Page Last Updated: January 3 2016
Cypress Family
4 species
Order: Pinales
Family: Cupressaceae (Cypress family)
Genus: Juniperus
Species: Virginiana
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Pinopsida
Division: Coniferophyta (also Pinophtya) (Conifers)
Updated February 21 2011
More Red Cedar
Perennial tree - also known as Eastern Juniper, Red
Juniper - dioecious - male produces pollen cones - female
produces berry-like seed cones - native to eastern North
Order: Pinales
Family: Cupressaceae (Cypress family)
Genus: Thuja
Species: Occidentalis
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Pinopsida
Division: Coniferophyta (also Pinophyta) (Conifers)
Updated November 2 2013
More White Cedar
Perennial tree - also known as Northern White Cedar,
Eastern Thuja, Eastern Arborvitae - native to north-eastern
North America
Order: Pinales
Family: Cupressaceae (Cypress family) (formerly
Genus: Metasequoia
Species: Glyptostroboides
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Pinopsida
Division: Coniferophyta (also Pinophyta) (Conifers)
Updated January 24 2015
More Dawn Redwood
Perennial tree - deciduous conifer - thought to be extinct
until the 1940's when it was found in China - only living
species of Metasequoia and 1 of 3 living Redwoods - native
to China
Subfamily: Sequoioideae
Eastern Red Cedar - cones (berry-like) 3 to 6 mm - height to 10 m - West Don Valley (Wilket Creek Park) - October 2010
Eastern White Cedar - cones 1 cm - height to 15 m - Duffins Creek - November 2009
Dawn Redwood - cones approx. 2.5 cm - needles to 3 cm - height to 35 m - High Park - November 2014
Order: Pinales
Family: Cupressaceae (Cypress family)
Genus: Chamaecyparis (also Callitropsis, Cupressus)
Species: Nootkatensis
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Pinopsida
Division: Coniferophyta (also Pinophyta) (Conifers)
Updated January 3 2016
More Weeping False Cypress
Perennial tree - also known as Alaska Cedar, Yellow Cedar,
Nootka False Cypress - native to western North America