Page Last Updated: January 11 2016
Horse-chestnut Family
3 species
Order: Sapindales
Genus: Aesculus (Buckeye)
Species: Hippocastanum
Kingdom: Plantae
More Horse-chestnut
Updated November 9 2013
More Horse-chestnut
Perennial tree - also known as Candle Tree, Conker Tree,
Buckeye, Bongay - some sources now place the
Hippocastanaceae family within the Sapindaceae
(Soapberry) family - native to Europe and Asia (
Class: Magnoliopsida
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Ohio Buckeye
Order: Sapindales
Genus: Aesculus (Buckeye)
Species: Glabra
Kingdom: Plantae
More Ohio Buckeye
Updated April 25 2011
More Ohio Buckeye
Perennial tree - also known as Fetid Buckeye, American
Buckeye - some sources now place the Hippocastanaceae
family within the Sapindaceae (Soapberry) family - native to
eastern North America (only south-western Ontario in
Class: Magnoliopsida
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Horse-chestnut - flower 2 to 3 cm - fruit 5 to 6 cm - leaflet 10 to 25 cm - height to 25 m - High Park - May 2009
Ohio Buckeye - flower 2 to 3 cm - fruit 3 to 5 cm - leaflet 6 to 15 cm - height to 15 m - Toronto Islands - September 2010
Bottlebrush Buckeye
Order: Sapindales
Genus: Aesculus (Buckeye)
Species: Parviflora
Kingdom: Plantae
More Bottlebrush Buckeye
Updated January 11 2016
More Bottlebrush Buckeye
Perennial tree / shrub - also known as Dwarf
Horse-chestnut - some sources now place the
Hippocastanaceae family within the Sapindaceae
(Soapberry) family - native to southeastern United States
Class: Magnoliopsida
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Bottlebrush Buckeye - flower 3 to 4 cm with protruding stamens - panicle to 30 cm - fruit approx. 2.5 cm - leaflet 10 to 20 cm - height to 5 m - Toronto Music Garden - June 2015
Family: Hippocastanaceae (Horse-chestnut family)
Family: Hippocastanaceae (Horse-chestnut family)
Family: Hippocastanaceae (Horse-chestnut family)