Page Last Updated: February 25 2016
Olive Family
6 species
Order: Lamiales (formerly Scrophulariales)
Family: Oleaceae (Olive family)
Genus: Forsythia
Species: ?
Kingdom: Plantae
Updated December 26 2013
More Forsythia
Perennial shrub - possibly Forsythia x intermedia, a hybrid -
native to Asia
Class: Magnoliopsida
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
More Forsythia
Forsythia - flower approx. 2.5 cm - leaf to 10 cm - height to 3 m - High Park - April 2010
Japanese Tree Lilac
Order: Lamiales (formerly Scrophulariales)
Family: Oleaceae (Olive family)
Genus: Syringa
Species: Reticulata
Kingdom: Plantae
Updated February 25 2016
More Japanese Tree Lilac
Perennial tree / shrub - ornamental - native to eastern Asia
Class: Magnoliopsida
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
More Japanese Tree Lilac
Japanese Tree Lilac - flower approx. 6 mm - panicle to 30 cm - leaf to 12 cm - height to 10 m - High Park - June 2010
Order: Lamiales (formerly Scrophulariales)
Family: Oleaceae (Olive family)
Genus: Ligustrum
Species: Vulgare? Ovalifolium?
Kingdom: Plantae
Updated October 12 2015
More Privet
Perennial tree / shrub - L. vulgare also known as Wild,
Common or European Privet - cultivated as an ornamental
hedge but has escaped to the wild - native to Europe, Asia
and North Africa
Class: Magnoliopsida
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
More Privet
Privet - flower approx. 6 mm - panicle to 6 cm - leaf to 6 cm - height to 3 m - Asquith Park - June 2015
White Ash
Order: Lamiales (formerly Scrophulariales)
Family: Oleaceae (Olive family)
Genus: Fraxinus
Species: Americana
Kingdom: Plantae
Updated February 10 2016
More White Ash
Class: Magnoliopsida
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
More White Ash
Perennial tree - also known as American Ash - the entire
Fraxinus genus is threatened by the
Emerald Ash Borer -
native to eastern North America
White Ash - flower tiny - fruit to 5 cm - leaf 15 to 25 cm - leaflet to 15 cm - height to 30 m - Toronto Islands - October 2013
Red Ash
Order: Lamiales (formerly Scrophulariales)
Family: Oleaceae (Olive family)
Genus: Fraxinus
Species: Pennsylvanica
Kingdom: Plantae
Updated February 10 2016
More Red Ash
Class: Magnoliopsida
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
More Red Ash
Perennial tree - also known as Green Ash - the entire
Fraxinus genus is threatened by the
Emerald Ash Borer -
native to eastern North America
Red Ash - flower tiny - fruit to 6 cm - leaf 15 to 20 cm - leaflet to 15 cm - height to 25 m - Leaside (Redway Road) - June 2013
Red Ash (left) and White Ash leaf comparison - Toronto Islands - October 2012
Red Ash (left) and White Ash bud and leaf scar comparison - Bluffers Park - November 2011
Red Ash (left) and White Ash leaf comparison - petiolule
(leaflet stalk) of the White Ash is longer than the Red Ash -
underside of White Ash leaflet is whitish - fall colour of
White Ash is purplish while that of Red Ash is yellow - both
Red and White Ash have 5 to 9 leaflets (usulally 7)
Red Ash (left) and White Ash bud comparison - on
developed White Ash branches, the leaf scars are often
concave along the upper edge (C-shaped) and the bud
originates inside the curved portion - on developed Red Ash
branches, the leaf scars are straight along the upper edge
(D-shaped) and the bud originates on top of this straight
European Ash
Order: Lamiales (formerly Scrophulariales)
Family: Oleaceae (Olive family)
Genus: Fraxinus
Species: Excelsior
Kingdom: Plantae
Updated February 11 2016
More European Ash
Class: Magnoliopsida
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
More European Ash
Perennial tree - also known as Common Ash - the entire
Fraxinus genus is threatened by the
Emerald Ash Borer -
native to Europe
European Ash - flower tiny - fruit to 5 cm - leaf 20 to 35 cm - leaflet to 12 cm - height to 35 m - Toronto Islands - June 2012