Page Last Updated: January 11 2014
Yew Family
2 species
Order: Pinales (formerly Taxales)
Family: Taxaceae (Yew family)
Genus: Taxus
Species: Canadensis
Kingdom: Plantae
Updated January 11 2014
More Canada Yew
Perennial shrub - also known as American, Eastern or
Ground Yew, Ground Hemlock - native to eastern North
Class: Pinopsida
Division: Coniferophyta (also Pinophyta) (Conifers)
Order: Pinales (formerly Taxales)
Family: Taxaceae (Yew family)
Genus: Taxus
Species: Cuspidata
Kingdom: Plantae
Updated January 11 2014
More Japanese Yew
Perennial tree - also known as Spreading Yew - underside
of needle has 2 yellowish bands - many cultivars - native to
eastern Asia
Class: Pinopsida
Division: Coniferophyta (also Pinophyta) (Conifers)
Japanese Yew - fruit approx 1 cm - leaves to 3 cm - height to 10 m - High Park - August 2010
Canada Yew - fruit approx 1 cm - leaves to 2.5 cm - height to 2 m - Uxbridge - September 2013